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Posted by webadmin on August 7, 2021

PRC Released Memorandum 1247 Series of 2020 announcing the new schedule of the Real Estate Brokers Exam for the year 2020. The memorandum reads as follows:



WHEREAS, Section 7 (d) of Republic Act No. 8981 or the PRC Modernization Act of 2000
empowers the Professional Regulation Commission (Commission) to administer and conduct
the licensure examinations of the various regulatory boards in accordance with the rules and
regulations it may promulgate; to determine and fix the places and dates of examinations;

WHEREAS, Section 12 of Republic Act No. 9646 provides that every applicant seeking to be
registered and licensed as a real estate service practitioner, except a real estate salesperson,
shall undergo an examination as provided for in this Act. Examinations for the practice of real
estate service in the Philippines shall be given by the Board at least once every year in such
places and dates as the Commission may designate;

WHEREAS, the Commission issued Resolution No. 1210 (s. 2019) on the schedule of the
professional licensure examinations for Calendar Year 2020 wherein the Real Estate Brokers
Licensure Examination is scheduled on 31 July 2020;

WHEREAS, in view of the declaration of the Enhanced Community Quarantine (ECQ) and
Modified Enhanced Community Quarantine (MECQ) by the President to curb the further
spread of Corona Virus (COVID-19), the Commission issued Resolution No. 1241 (s. 2020)
postponing the July 2020 licensure examinations and rescheduling thereof;

WHEREAS, with the postponement of the July 2020 Licensure Examinations, the Licensure
Office and the Professional Regulatory Board of Real Estate Service recommend to the
Commission the rescheduling of the Real Estate Brokers Licensure Examination to 06
November 2020;

WHEREAS, the Licensure Office in coordination with other operational units of the
Commission assured that they can deliver all related support services for the conduct of the
said licensure examination;

NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing, the Commission RESOLVED,
as it so RESOLVES, to reschedule the Real Estate Brokers Licensure Examination from 31
July 2020 to 06 November 2020;

RESOLVED FURTHER, that the new schedule for the opening of online application shall
begin 06 August 2020 until 06 October 2020 for the said licensure examination.
Let copies of this Resolution be posted at the PRC Official website for information.
Done in the City of Manila this day of June 2020.

It was initially declared that PRC Postponed Examinations Scheduled starting April until July due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Download the memorandum directly from the PRC Website here.

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